

Worship is primary in our life together as a faith community. Together, we offer ourselves to God. Together, we discern God’s living Word. Together, we proclaim God’s love for the world and for all people.

What you can expect in worship gatherings with First Baptist:

  • Participation over performance—you participate as you are comfortable and as together we are challenged to interpret God’s Word into today's language

  • Experiences and actions that are inclusive of all ages, and kid-friendly

  • Music from a variety of traditions and styles

  • Relevant and challenging sermons that call the community to action

  • Time for prayer, reflection, and renewal


Worship is more than our weekly gathering. We worship God with our daily activity—in the choices we make—in the ways we use the resources available to us; time, money, opportunities and relationships. We honor God through the regular rhythm of prayer, Bible Study, spiritual practices, and transformative mission work in the wider community.

Currently our worship gathering is at 10 a.m. Sunday morning. We gather both “on site” in the sanctuary and online through Facebook Live and Youtube.